Results for 'Mercedes Manríquez Roque'

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  1.  21
    -Ultrafilters in the Rational Perfect Set Model.Jonathan Cancino-manríquez - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):175-194.
    We give a new characterization of the cardinal invariant $\mathfrak {d}$ as the minimal cardinality of a family $\mathcal {D}$ of tall summable ideals such that an ultrafilter is rapid if and only if it has non-empty intersection with all the ideals in the family $\mathcal {D}$. On the other hand, we prove that in the Miller model, given any family $\mathcal {D}$ of analytic tall p-ideals such that $\vert \mathcal {D}\vert <\mathfrak {d}$, there is an ultrafilter $\mathcal {U}$ which (...)
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    The AI doctor will see you now: assessing the framing of AI in news coverage.Mercedes Bunz & Marco Braghieri - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):9-22.
    One of the sectors for which Artificial Intelligence applications have been considered as exceptionally promising is the healthcare sector. As a public-facing sector, the introduction of AI applications has been subject to extended news coverage. This article conducts a quantitative and qualitative data analysis of English news media articles covering AI systems that allow the automation of tasks that so far needed to be done by a medical expert such as a doctor or a nurse thereby redistributing their agency. We (...)
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    Bi-interpretation in weak set theories.Alfredo Roque Freire & Joel David Hamkins - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):609-634.
    In contrast to the robust mutual interpretability phenomenon in set theory, Ali Enayat proved that bi-interpretation is absent: distinct theories extending ZF are never bi-interpretable and models of ZF are bi-interpretable only when they are isomorphic. Nevertheless, for natural weaker set theories, we prove, including Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory $\mathrm {ZFC}^{-}$ without power set and Zermelo set theory Z, there are nontrivial instances of bi-interpretation. Specifically, there are well-founded models of $\mathrm {ZFC}^{-}$ that are bi-interpretable, but not isomorphic—even $\langle H_{\omega _1},\in (...)
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  4. A new paraconsistent set theory: A/l.Roque da C. Caiero & Edelcio G. de Souza - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 40:115-141.
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    Magpakatao: ilang babasahing pilosopiko.Roque Ferriols (ed.) - 1999 - Quezon City, Philippines: Office of Research and Publ Ces Ateneo de Manila Univer.
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  6. Sobre Miguel de Molinos.Mercedes Alvarez González - 1996 - El Basilisco 21:18-19.
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    Mundo de la vida y tipifi caciones de sentido común en los proces de reproducción social: un análisis empírico sobre familias de clase media en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires.Mercedes Krause - 2014 - Schutzian Research 6:105-121.
    This paper presents an empirical study that analyzes everyday practices regarding the health care and education of middle class families grounded in a phenomenological perspective. Everyday practices are linked to the system of expectations and goals built around practices, constituting a configurations of meaning that involves both aspects of the Life-World, which is affected by social class and other social determinants that define areas of experiences and opportunities for social interaction. In this sense, we see that social class and gender (...)
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  8. Lógica formal; técnica des desenvolvimento intelectual e capacitação para o raciocínio eficiente e controlado.Roque Lauschner - 1969 - [Brasil]: Faculdade de Economia do Vale do Rio dos Sinos.
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    De la empatía a la ciudadanía. Itinerario de una tarea educativa fundamental.Yolanda C. León Manríquez - 2005 - Analogía Filosófica 19 (2):153-200.
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  10. Variação radial da estrutura anatômica do lenho de árvores de Gmelina arborea em diferentes condições de clima e de manejo na Costa Rica. Radial variation of the wood anatomical structure of Gmelina arborea trees from different climatic and management conditions in Costa Rica.Róger Moya-Roque & Mario Tomazello Filho - 2009 - Scientia 37 (83):273-285.
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    Does Level Generation Always Generate Act-Tokens?Alicia Juarrero Roque - 1983 - Philosophy Research Archives 9:177-192.
    After a brief summary of Alvin Goldman’s theory of the “level-generation” of complex act-tokens from basic acts, it is argued that if the occurrent want which causes the basic act becomes deactivated in medias res, or during the interval between the basic act and the generated events, the latter do not qualify as actions proper. A discussion follows of Steven Davis’s at tempts to provide a counterexample to GoIdman’s theory by suggesting an example in which the Goldman conditions are met (...)
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    The End of Modernity: Nihilism and Hermeneutics in Post-Modern Culture.Alicia Juarrero Roque - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (3):657-658.
    Vattimo rethinks ontology at a time when modernity's concept of Being has been uprooted along with any faith in history as a unitary process characterized by progressive reappropriations of its own origins. Having dissolved the ground of the new, the end of modernity sees Being reduced to exchange value, the new for the sake of the new, which in turn science and technology make routine. The impasse is a radical one, for modernity cannot be left behind by offering a truer (...)
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  13. El papel de la sociedad de la información en el desarrollo científico.Mercedes Caridad Sebastián & Ana María Morales García - 2007 - Critica 57 (948):49-52.
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    Territorios de lo moderno: la recepción de la obra de Emilio Pettoruti y Martín Noel en la Revista de Arte Rodrigo.Andrés Vera Manríquez & Claudio Guerrero Urquiza - 2020 - Aisthesis 68:31-46.
    El texto expone diversos modos de articular las nociones de tradición y modernidad en el arte y la arquitectura según los contenidos aparecidos en el número 11 de la Revista de Arte dedicado a Argentina. El análisis se centra en dos artículos. El primero: “Emilio Pettoruti: brújula de la pintura argentina”, de Leonardo Estarico. El segundo: “América y la nueva arquitectura”, de Martín Noel. Mientras Estarico postula los conceptos de forma y de plástica como territorios universales, Noel establece al continente (...)
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  15. Reconocimiento jurídico y fundamentación filosófica de los derechos humanos en América Latina.Roque Carrión Wam - 1986 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 26:13-44.
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    Virgin Warriors and Brave Mothers: the Pantheon of Communist Women in Exile.Mercedes Yusta - 2009 - Clio 30:99-117.
    Les femmes communistes espagnoles reconstituèrent leur organisation en 1945, dans l’exil français, afin de mobiliser les réfugiées dans la résistance antifranquiste. Les figures d’héroïnes évoquées dans la revue Mujeres Antifascistas Españolas, tiennent une place importante dans la culture politique de ces femmes. Des récits, où réalité et fiction se mêlent, mettent en scène vierges guerrières et mères héroïques. Si l’héroïsation individuelle ou collective (les treize roses de Madrid) confine parfois au mythe, sans remettre en cause le système traditionnel de genre, (...)
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  17.  12
    Vinciane Despret, un ethos materialista de investigación: heredar, interesar, confiar, sostener.Roque Farrán - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 32:416-440.
    El texto presenta la perspectiva de la filósofa y científica Vinciane Despret a partir de cuatro tópicos que se intersecan y atraviesan diferencialmente todas sus investigaciones: heredar, interesar, confiar, sostener. Esta delimitación permite acentuar distintas modulaciones del ethos investigativo que nos propone y amplificar la originalidad de su apuesta al hacerla dialogar con otras perspectivas filosóficas que resultan afines a ella y no son explicitadas por la autora (Spinoza, Foucault). Considero que la perspectiva de Despret condensa de manera ejemplar las (...)
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    Redefining memory consolidation.Mercedes Atienza & Jose L. Cantero - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):64-65.
    Based on brain state-dependent behavioral changes, consolidation of sensorimotor memories has been posited to evolve in two different functional stages. Only the second of these stages requires sleep and leads to performance benefits. Recent results, however, suggest that sleep is not always crucial for the expression of delayed behavioral gains but might be critical for enhancing automaticity in the absence of attention, another expression of memory consolidation.
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    Who are you, who are we in A Room of One’s Own? The difference that sexual difference makes in Borges’ and Rivera-Garretas’s translations of Virginia Woolf’s essay.Mercedes Bengoechea - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (4):409-423.
    In this article, the author compares two Spanish translations of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own. Taking into account that Spanish is a language in which words referring to human beings have a feminine and a masculine form, and grammatical gender corresponds to sex, all translators must interrogate the sex of the referent in order to translate gendered words. They are thus compelled to assign sex to genderless forms in the source text. Patriarchal translation has a long tradition of (...)
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    Dos momentos constitucionales en Juan Bautista Alberdi: entre Théodore Jouffroy y Benjamín Constant.Mercedes Betria & Gabriela Rodríguez - 2019 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 15.
    Analizamos dos momentos constitucionales en la obra de Juan Bautista Alberdi a partir de sus lecturas de Théodore Jouffroy y Benjamin Constant. En el primer caso, ponemos en relieve la concepción filosófico- moral del derecho así como el modelo de publicista que fue Jouffroy para el “joven” Alberdi de 1837. En el segundo, analizamos el modo en que, en 1852, adoptó la postura de Constant para pensar la autoridad política a partir de las diversas teorizaciones del “poder neutral” plasmado en (...)
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    Juan Bautista Ferro o la cotidianidad del filosofar. Fragmentos de un testimonio.Roque Carrión - 1995 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):209-225.
    La filosofía y el filosofar adquieren en la vida de Juan Bautista Ferro lasdimensiones propias de un auténtico pensar que se reflejó en cada acción,en el discurrir diario de la vida académica universitaria o en las "tertuliasrnonologantes" que el propio Ferro concertaba con sus amigos en su casao en plena calle. Ferro fue el ejemplo vivo de una tradición filosófica quecentra su acción sobre el propio filósofo, y el cultivo de la "oralidad" corno"método" para enseñar a aprender. El texto muestra (...)
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  22. Los centros de desarrollo científico Y humanístico: Realidad O utopía Caso: Ula, Luz, unefm.Mercedes Carrasquero & Patricia Gillezeau - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (2):335-349.
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    La ley del deseo como esencia ética de lo político.Roque Farrán - 2010 - Isegoría 42:91-104.
    En el presente artículo me propongo interrogar el estatuto ético-político de la ley en su diferencia ontológica respecto a lo meramente normativo o contable, para ello comento algunos aportes teóricos de autores como Alain Badiou, Jacques Rancière, Jacques Lacan, Giorgio Agamben, Slavoj Zizek, Jean-Luc Nancy y Roland Barthes, que nos permitirán pensar más acá de lo discernible por el lenguaje establecido. La idea principal que conlleva el cruce de estas referencias afines aunque disímiles, es la de circunscribir el acto fugaz (...)
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  24. Entrevista a Alejandro Tiana.Mercedes Muñoz-Repiso Izaguirre & Alejandro Tiana Ferrer - 2008 - Critica 58 (956):66-71.
    Alejandro Tiana Ferrer es catedrático de historia de los Sistemas Educativos de la UNED. Ha ocupado entre otros cargos los de director del Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa (CIDE), creador y primer director del Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa (INCE), presidente de la Asociación Internacional para la Evaluación del Rendimiento Educativo (IEA) y, hasta hace unos meses, Secretario General de Educación del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, donde ha diseñado y empezado a implementar una nueva ley de educación. Es (...)
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  25. Una educación de calidad para todos y entre todos: La propuesta del Ministerio de Educación.Mercedes Muñoz-Repiso Izaguirre - 2004 - Critica 54 (920):8-10.
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  26. El cáncer hoy.Mercedes Sánchez Jacob - 2006 - Critica 56 (932):28-29.
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  27. E. Levinas: la ética como responsabilidad a través del Eros como diferencia.Mercedes López Jorge - 2002 - Laguna 10:157-166.
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  28. Lógica formal; técnicas de desenvolvimento do raciocínio.Roque Lauschner - 1969 - [Pôrto Alegre]: Sulina;.
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    L'Essentialisme de Guillaume d'Ockham.Roques Magali - 2016 - Paris: Vrin.
    English summary: This book attests that a study on the history of philosophy has its place in contemporary debates. This book attempts to reconstruct William of Ockham's position on the nature and function of real definitions in order to show that nominalism does not oblige a particular position on essences. French description: Guillaume d'Ockham, defenseur bien connu du nominalisme, a manifeste un interet soutenu pour les definitions reelles. Cet ouvrage s'efforce de reconstruire sa position sur la nature et la fonction (...)
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    The school in non‐inclusive contexts: moral education, building citizenship and community development, an Argentinian example.Mercedes Oraisón & Ana María Pérez - 2009 - Journal of Moral Education 38 (4):513-532.
    This article reflects on the school's role in the building of citizenship, especially in socially vulnerable contexts. We argue, and try to show, that effective participation in decision-making processes is a key tool to promote conditions that help in social transformation and the formation of active citizenship. We offer a brief description of the current socio-educational scene, characterised by poverty and school failure, both emerging from the profound social, economic and cultural crises that affected Argentina in 2001. The resulting need (...)
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  31. Sujetos desbordados, sujetos presos El lugar del sujeto en el discurso de la economía de mercado.Mercedes Abreo Ortiz - 2010 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 18:31-45.
    The main goal of this research which is summarized in this article is to analyze the influence of the Neoliberal discourse on the constitution of Colombian´s subjectivity, from the late 20th Century to the early 21th Century. A Foucaultian interpretative analysis method was adopted to analyze the enunciations of the television and internet advertisements, in contrast to the enunciations of the Neoliberalism. The whole of this research was developed from an interdisciplinary focus guided by the Lacanian psychoanalysis framework.
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  32. Ernst Cassirer.Mercedes Rein - 1959 - Montevideo,:
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    (1 other version)Le principe d'économie d'après Guillaume d'Ockham.Magali Roques - 2014 - Franciscan Studies 72:373-409.
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    ARTICLE RETIRÉ : Must the Relation of Substantial Composition Be a Mode? William of Ockham’s Answers.Magali Roques - 2019 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 1 (1):129-148.
    Cet article traite d’un cas particulier dans la métaphysique de la relation de Guillaume d’Ockham, à savoir la relation de composition entre la matière et la forme substantielle. Le cas théologique du triduum mortis soulève un problème pour les métaphysiques réductionnistes de la relation comme celle d’Ockham. Ce dernier peut-il en rendre compte sans accepter que certaines relations soient irréductibles à leurs relata? Le point de départ de l’article est l’interprétation communément partagée sur la théorie de la relation d’Ockham. Je (...)
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    The Light Subject Constraint in Spoken Spanish.Mercedes Sedano & Paola Bentivoglio - 2007 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 3:195-205.
    The Light Subject Constraint in Spoken Spanish The purpose of this study is to explore Chafe's hypothesis that grammatical subjects obey the light subject constraint. The data consists of six half-an-hour semiformal interviews with Caracas native speakers recorded in 1987. Chafe's hypothesis is based on the claim that in any given clause one of the referents receives the unique and special status of grammatical subject. Subjects show two types of restrictions: i) from the information load perspective, they tend to code (...)
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  36. A formação do ethos contempor'neo: desafios à educação // The formation of contemporary ethos: challenges to education.Roque Strieder & Tedesco - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (3):96-116.
    Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 O estudo tem caráter qualitativo e busca em referenciais teóricos . C ontempla uma reflexão aberta a respeito do alvorecer da razão na modernidade, que lança o ser humano ao centro do universo . Ao fazê-lo, fragmenta a formação do ethos, vórtice que alcança a contemporaneidade. Na sequência traz suportes teóricos, com base, principalmente nas concepções de Agamben, Bauman,Vaz, entre outros, acerca da ainda possibilidade formativas de construção da comunidade humana. (...)
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  37. Uber das Menschliche als Struktur von Moglichkeiten.Mercedes Torrevejano - 2007 - In Ewa Czerwińska-Schupp (ed.), Values and Norms in the Age of Globalization. Peter Lang. pp. 1--30.
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    Bridging the Political Gaps.Christian E. Roques - 2018 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 13 (1):51-74.
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    Charity or empowerment? The role of COVAX for low and middle‐income countries.Felicitas Holzer, Tania Manríquez Roa, Federico Germani, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Florencia Luna - 2022 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (1):59-66.
    What has the past reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic taught us? We have seen that many low and middle-income countries (LMICs) still lack access to vaccines, and it seems little progress has been made in the last few months and year. This article discusses whether the current strategies, most notably, vaccine donations by the international community and the COVID-19 global access facility COVAX, offer meaningful solutions to tackle the problem. At the centre of our analysis, we compare the concepts of (...)
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  40.  12
    Vision Verbs Emerge First in English Acquisition but Touch, not Audition, Follows Second.Lila San Roque, Elisabeth Norcliffe & Asifa Majid - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (6):e13469.
    Words that describe sensory perception give insight into how language mediates human experience, and the acquisition of these words is one way to examine how we learn to categorize and communicate sensation. We examine the differential predictions of the typological prevalence hypothesis and embodiment hypothesis regarding the acquisition of perception verbs. Studies 1 and 2 examine the acquisition trajectories of perception verbs across 12 languages using parent questionnaire responses, while Study 3 examines their relative frequencies in English corpus data. We (...)
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  41. Quantification and Measurement of Qualities at the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century. The Case of William of Ockham.Roques Magali - 2016 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 27:347-380.
    This paper critically examines the debate between William of Ockham and his contemporary Peter Auriol on how to account for the intension and remission of forms. Peter Auriol denies that an added degree of a quality such as the theological virtue of charity could be anything other than something which is neither a universal nor an individual and which cannot be grasped by intuition, but must be posited in order to account for the possibility that an accidental form can vary (...)
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    The power of ethical words.Mercedes Alda, Fernando Muñoz & María Vargas - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):547-567.
    In this research, we analyse the impact of the inclusion of ethical expressions in the prospectuses of socially responsible (SR) mutual funds on money flows. We contribute to the existing literature by proposing a text-based measure that integrates three attributes that are relevant to whether clients are attracted: exclusiveness, intensity and lexical diversity. We analyse a sample formed of 266 SR US equity mutual funds in the period 1999–2019. Our findings show that both the proposed indicator and other alternative partial (...)
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    Symptoms of the planetary condition: a critical vocabulary.Mercedes Bunz, Birgit Mara Kaiser & Kathrin Thiele (eds.) - 2017 - L uneburg, Germany: Meson Press.
    This book explores the future of critique in view of our planetary condition. How are we to intervene in contemporary constellations of finance capitalism, climate change and neoliberalism?
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    Effects of guided exploration on reaching measures of auditory peripersonal space.Mercedes X. Hüg, Fernando Bermejo, Fabián C. Tommasini & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the recognized importance of bodily movements in spatial audition, few studies have integrated action-based protocols with spatial hearing in the peripersonal space. Recent work shows that tactile feedback and active exploration allow participants to improve performance in auditory distance perception tasks. However, the role of the different aspects involved in the learning phase, such as voluntary control of movement, proprioceptive cues, and the possibility of self-correcting errors, is still unclear. We study the effect of guided reaching exploration on perceptual (...)
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    Alteraciones del Relato.Mercedes Belinchón & Patricia Insúa - 2004 - Arbor 177 (697):157-187.
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  46. Metodología didáctica integrada para el aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura en el grado primero-MEDIP.Mercedes Artunduaga Bermeo & Sara Jiménez García - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (2/1).
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    Militantes ¡ocúpense de sí mismos!Roque Farrán - 2021 - [Vicente López, Argentina?]: [Red Editorial?]. Edited by Silvana Vignale.
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  48. Notas para una filosofía psicoanalítica de corte materialista. El nudo borromeo,¿ un paradigma del corte estructural?Roque Farrán - 2009 - A Parte Rei 65:9.
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  49. Breve historia del dinero.Mercedes López de Arriba Guerri - 2007 - Critica 57 (942):18-22.
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    Development and Validation of an Instrument for the Detection of Early Traumatic Experiences (ExpTra-S) in Patients With Psychosis.Mercedes Paino, Nuria Ordóñez-Camblor, Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero, Leticia García-Álvarez & Juan Pablo Pizarro-Ruiz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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